Dreams & Goals

Do you have goals?  What are your dreams?

Are your dreams today different from your dreams of 'yesterday'? (This means as a teenager, child, or young adult.)

I have dreams and still have goals to achieve. Each year or maybe a decade, the dreams change.  Mostly because I've reached the goal, or I got sidetracked with a new goal and forgot about the previous goal. Or I would begin to dream about the future, and the goals were pushed to the side. Who knows?

As a young girl, I dreamed of being a Braniff Stewardess.  Do you remember Braniff?  Did you know Flight Attendants used to be called "stewardesses?"  Stewardesses were always so pretty, fit and dressed incredibly well, even wore nylons!  I wanted to be one of those girls.  And the opportunity to fly around the world for 'free' was so exciting. So, my goal during this time of my life was to learn other languages (so I could fly internationally) and become the most beautiful girl so I could be remembered by little girls as they grew up and look back and think, "I want to be like her."  I don't mean this as an egotistical thing, I mean it in the best way possible.

That dream changed with the TWA hijacking when I saw the Navy Seal shot and thrown out of the plane onto the tarmac.  This incident destroyed me on multiple levels.  No more stewardess dreams. (Event took place on June 14, 1985, TWA Flight #847 with the final destination going to San Diego.)

Next, I dreamed of being a mom, getting married, and living in a beautiful white-picket-fence home.

That dream never really went away. I loved being a mom to my little girl. It was everything and more of even the best of dreams. I am still her mom, but we are more friends now with an adult relationship. She has her life and I have mine, and occasionally they overlap for a wonderful, sweet visit.

My current dream and goal are to remain healthy and happy. I dream of the day Rob is out of pain and discomfort. I hope they -- whoever "they" are -- find a cure to help him so he can live out his days (at least another 50 years) pain-free with surmountable happiness.

I achieve short-term goals daily on Instagram and have been enjoying it very much. I would like to be able to influence others to find happiness, find and maintain good health, and motivate others to live healthy, fruitful lives.  YouTube is my next goal; I am just plain awkward with this one. Next, I get to enjoy my blog, but it will be awesome when I become successful in vlogging.  

Do you think dreaming and goal-making keep us 'young' and in tune with the world around us? Keep our minds active? I do. I believe mental and physical activity keeps us young and alert. I look at my mom; she is about as active as a sleeping sloth, and she can barely move without getting out of breath and tired. I do not want to be that, not only for me but also for my caregiver (or daughter). 

I do not feel my age. But then, what does my age feel like? I feel good. Mind you, I do have some aches here and there, but compared to knee replacements and back surgery, I don't mind the aches. If I had to give myself an age, I would say maybe 30 — thirty-five tops.

So, my new short-term goals to begin reaching my dreams are to reach 1,000 followers on IG and then grow consistently from there, becoming a brand ambassador, collaborator, and successful, positive influencer (long-term goal and current dream).

I want to travel more and without regard.  This is the ultimate dream.  Everyone will know when this is achieved; it will be all over IG!  (LOL)

Be happy, healthy & safe!

*Pictures by Canva
