My Personal Journey

Getting Back on Track: My Personal Journey

Today, I'm getting personal—probably more so than usual—but this space we've created is a safe haven for honest and open communication.

Lately, I've had to take a deep breath and focus on the things I can immediately control or improve. I've had to set realistic, attainable goals. I often get carried away with grand ideas and forget about the small steps it takes to climb the ladder. When I move too slowly or fall short of my own perfectionist standards, I tend to get down on myself. But I'm learning to accept that I'm not perfect. I'm stressed out. I'm caring for others who need my attention. Managing two households with all the maintenance that entails—lawn mowing, cleaning, laundry—can be overwhelming.

So, how am I managing without completely melting down? Well, the truth is, I still have small meltdowns, and that's okay. I've come to understand that having a down day or moment is perfectly normal. When that happens, I allow myself to take a break and find something that makes me feel better. Then, I dive into that feel-better activity until I'm ready to get back on track.

One of my consistent routines is retreating to my bedroom early in the evening. I indulge in a bath, follow my skincare and hair care routines, and then immerse myself in a good book or listen to an audiobook. If I’m not in the mood for reading, I turn to one of my favorite YouTube channels for some light-hearted entertainment. This is my "me-time," a precious opportunity to recharge.

I've also made it a point to incorporate a daily walk into my schedule. Even though my exercise routine has dwindled, I've found that dedicating just 10 to 30 minutes to walking outdoors can be immensely beneficial. I don’t stress if I can only manage 10 minutes—every little bit counts, and I refuse to beat myself up over it.

To keep things interesting, I've started to mix up my exercise routine. Since I love planking, I've begun trying different plank variations that I don’t usually do. It’s a small change, but it keeps my workouts fresh and challenging.

Accountability has been a bit tricky for me. I don't always feel like I have a solid support system for this, or maybe I'm just too down to see it. Nevertheless, I'm celebrating my small (and large) victories and practicing kindness towards myself. I'm learning to grant myself grace, patience, and love.

Caring for my physical, mental, and emotional needs has been paramount. Physically, I'm committed to exercise and downtime to relax and recharge. When I don't feel good about my appearance, it affects my emotional and mental state. Recently, I started a new skincare routine that's working wonders. My skin looks healthier, and so does my hair. These small improvements have lifted a weight off my shoulders, reducing stress and feelings of inadequacy. So, these two things have been alleviated and no longer add to my stresses.

Finding a routine doesn't mean it has to be your routine for the rest of your life. This was a tough lesson for me. I've learned that a routine is meant for a specific moment—whether that’s a month, a year, or several years. It's fluid. We change, so our routines should change too.

Every day, I am learning and restructuring things to keep improving. 

Be happy, healthy and safe!

Instagram & YouTube: @andreamichele65


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