Finding What’s Missing: Reflections on Longing and Contentment

Have you ever had everything you need and still felt like something was missing? Lately, I’ve been sitting with that feeling—a sense of unease, like there’s something just out of reach. It’s strange because I’m surrounded by so much goodness: a beautiful home, the best husband I could ask for, my sweet pup Lucy, and wonderful friends. Yet, there’s this nagging sense that I’m missing something.

I’ve been wondering if it’s tied to a need for more exercise, the kind that gets me out of the house, really walking and soaking up the sun. Or maybe it’s about enjoying more solitude, though I already cherish my alone time. Vitamin D could be a part of it too — getting out and basking in natural light has a way of lifting the spirit. But the more I think about it, the more I realize it might be something deeper.

I visited the UK about two years ago, and I can’t shake the feeling of longing for the experiences I had there. I miss the charm of bookstores and family-run shops, the rolling landscapes, and the genuine kindness of strangers. There was a simplicity and ease to life there that I can’t quite replicate here.

One of the things I miss most is the ability to just walk out the door and have everything at my fingertips. In the UK, I could walk to the store, grab dinner, sit in a park, or visit a museum or gallery with such ease. The transportation was a dream—hopping on a train or subway and sitting back while being whisked away to a new destination. It felt like a luxury, but one that was entirely accessible.

In America, I have all the conveniences and comforts I could ask for, yet I long for that ease of exploration and discovery. It’s not that I don’t appreciate what I have — believe me, I do. But there’s something about the freedom to roam, to see something different, that stirs a deep desire in me.

Maybe what I’m missing isn’t a thing, but a feeling. The feeling of connection to a place, to the simplicity of stepping out and embracing the world around me. Perhaps it’s time to find ways to bring that into my daily life here. To explore more, even if it’s just in my own neighborhood. To walk, to breathe, to sit in the sun, and to let myself be open to the new and different — even when it’s right in front of me.

Do you ever feel this way? Like you’re craving something more, even when you have everything you need? Let’s talk about it — sometimes, the best way to find what’s missing is to start the conversation. 

Please share your thoughts on this.

Be happy, healthy and safe!
