Wait, What?

My Last Year in My Fifties? How Did That Happen?!

Today it hit me like a ton of bricks—I’m in the final year of my fifties. Seriously, WTH? When did this happen? How? I swear, in my mind, I’m still in my thirties, maybe forties on a "bad day," but the last year of my fifties? It just doesn’t seem possible.

Aren’t I supposed to have white hair by now? Be a little more… grandmotherly? You know, pudgy and sweet, rocking the whole “cookie-baking” vibe? Instead, here I am, laughing at the absurdity of it all, because I don’t feel anywhere near that age. It’s like my body and mind are playing this delightful trick on me.

Based on the older members of my family, I thought I’d be feeling, well, different—slower, more tired, maybe even a little worn out. But here I am, feeling vibrant, energized, and more alive than I ever expected. Does this make sense to anyone else? Is there anyone out there who gets what I’m feeling?

If you’re nodding along, let’s connect. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this wild, wonderful journey through life.

Be happy, healthy and safe!  And forever young!!

