Wisdom Gained

As I stand in the last year of my fifties, I find myself reflecting on how much I’ve grown over the past decade. Life in your fifties is different—there’s a depth of understanding that only time can bring, and with it comes a new kind of wisdom. While I certainly don’t have all the answers, I’ve learned some valuable lessons that have shaped who I am today. Here are a few things I’ve come to realize, and maybe they’ll resonate with you too.

Letting Go of the Past

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is the importance of letting go of the past—especially things that can’t be changed. For a long time, I carried the weight of old mistakes, regrets, and disappointments, as if holding on to them could somehow rewrite history. But it doesn’t work that way.

I’ve come to understand that clinging to the past only holds us back. Instead, I’ve learned to forgive—both myself and others—and to release the things that no longer serve me. Forgiveness isn’t always easy, but it’s essential. Letting go of grudges, guilt, and resentment has been freeing in ways I never imagined. It allows me to move forward, to focus on the present, and to embrace the possibilities ahead.

Setting Boundaries

Another game-changer in my fifties has been learning to set boundaries. In my younger years, I was a people-pleaser, often saying “yes” when I really wanted to say “no.” I found myself drained, overcommitted, and at times resentful because I wasn’t protecting my energy. But as I’ve grown, I’ve realized that setting boundaries isn’t selfish—it’s essential for my well-being.

Now, I’m more mindful of where I invest my time and energy. I’ve learned to say “no” without guilt, to protect my mental and emotional space, and to prioritize what truly matters to me. Setting boundaries has allowed me to cultivate healthier relationships and, more importantly, to maintain my own peace.

Prioritizing Wellness

In my fifties, wellness has taken center stage in my life. Gone are the days of pushing through without listening to my body. Now, I understand that taking care of myself isn’t optional—it’s a necessity.

This means staying on top of my medical appointments, keeping track of my health, and ensuring I’m proactive about things like annual check-ups, screenings, and lab work. I’ve also made it a point to incorporate more vitamins into my diet through food and nutrition rather than relying solely on supplements. I’ve become more intentional about eating nutrient-dense foods that support my overall health and well-being. (This is my goal.)

Wellness is more than just physical health, though. It’s about mental and emotional well-being, too. And that brings me to the next point.

Nurturing Friendships and Healthy Relationships

Relationships in our fifties take on a different shape than they did in our twenties or thirties. I've come to value the friendships that truly lift me up, the ones that offer support through life’s highs and lows. Those are the connections I now prioritize—relationships that bring strength, encouragement, and joy.

I’ve also learned that it’s okay to step away from relationships that no longer serve me. Letting go of toxic or draining dynamics isn’t selfish; it’s necessary for my own peace and growth. My focus is on fostering healthy, reciprocal relationships that add positivity and balance to my life.

At the same time, I’ve made an effort to reconnect with old friends who once brought light and laughter to my life, trying to show up for them as I would want them to show up for me. Balancing these connections with the realities of time constraints can be challenging, but the effort is worth it.

Getting Back to Fitness

Like many people, my fitness routine has had its ups and downs. A couple of years ago, I was consistent with my walking routine—it was a time for reflection, stress relief, and a way to stay active. Lately, I’ve let that routine slip. But one thing I’ve learned is that it’s never too late to get back on track.

I’m making it a priority to step up my walking routine again, to return to that consistent practice that kept me feeling energized and strong. Along with that, I’ve recognized the importance of weight training. While cardio has been my go-to, I know that incorporating weights is essential for maintaining muscle tone and strength as I age. My goal is to strike a balance between walking and weight training, creating a fitness routine that keeps me feeling healthy and vibrant.

Final Thoughts

My fifties have been a time of growth, reflection, and transformation. I’ve learned to let go of what no longer serves me, to set boundaries that protect my peace, and to prioritize wellness in all its forms. And while I’m still a work in progress, I’m proud of the woman I’ve become—and excited for the woman I’m still becoming.

If there’s one thing I’ve come to understand, it’s this: life doesn’t stop at fifty. In fact, in many ways, it’s just beginning. There’s still so much to learn, so much to explore, and so much to be grateful for. And that’s a beautiful thing.

What lessons have you learned as you’ve grown older? I’d love to hear about your journey.

My next blog post will be during the first week of October as I celebrate 59 and all the exciting things this year will bring. 

Stay tuned for more reflections, celebrations, and new adventures!

Be happy, healthy and safe!

