A Week of Productivity and Self-Care

This week has been both productive and fulfilling, and I’m feeling really good about the balance I’ve been able to strike. I tackled some work for LOFT, took care of a few exchanges, and even made a trip to the seamstress. On top of that, I’m proud to say I managed to get in a walk every single evening—something I’ve been striving for!

I also reached out to a friend I haven’t seen in ages, and we made plans to catch up next week (because let’s be real, everyone seems busy these days!). It feels good to reconnect with those relationships that matter.

On the home front, I got a head start on Halloween decorating—nothing over the top just yet, but a few festive touches on the mantel and front hallway table are in place. I’ll likely add more as the season goes on, but for now, I’m embracing simplicity.

For the past few months, I’ve been sticking to a self-care routine that I absolutely love. Once my work is done and my evening walk is behind me, I switch gears into full relaxation mode. My nights are filled with a soothing bath, skincare, a good book, and unwinding until I drift off to sleep. It’s become such a peaceful ritual, and it’s something I truly look forward to every day.

But there’s always room for improvement! One thing I need to get back on track with is planking. I used to be really consistent with it, and it made such a difference—hello, toned arms and abs!  I’m determined to pencil this back into my routine because I know it’s worth it.

So, here’s to continuing the good habits, making time for the important things (like friends and fitness), and staying open to new ideas for self-care and wellness. If you have any tips or routines you love, I’m all ears!

Be happy, healthy and safe!
